The Virtual Canonical Visit of the Superior General of the Religious of the Assumption, together with her General Council is a moment of grace for the Asia Pacific province.
Sr Rekha M. Chennattu, RA (India) will be joined by her Council members, Sr Irene Cecile (Philippines), Sr Isabelle (France), Sr Sandra (El Salvador), and Sr Martha Marie (Rwanda). Sr Isabelle and Sr Martha Marie will visit Assumption San Lorenzo school community on September 17.
The theme of the canonical visit is “Behold I am making something new. Listen, see the signs of hope, understand the newness.” With a missionary spirit from the outset, the Religious of the Assumption are especially involved in education supported by a life of prayer, adoration, and an intense community life. As an international congregation, Assumption sisters are located on 4 continents (Africa, America, Asia, and Europe) and number about 1200 in 33 countries. Their Generalate or headquarters is located in 17 Rue de l’Assomption in Paris, France.