As we welcome a new school year, we are proud to share our Thrust for 2021-2022
“Anchored in Jesus, Serve with Love and Hope”
The Assumption community, comprised of the Basic Education Division (BED), Higher Education Division (HED), and Central Services Division (CSD) underwent their annual In-service Training last week in preparation for the upcoming School Year. Part of the In-service Training is a Thrust Reflection activity where the community had personal reflections and group sharing in order to come up with a new Thrust. The community reflected on:
1. National Situation
2. Congregational Direction
3. Institutional (AC) Direction
4. The Gospel Reflection
- Gospel Reading: Matt. 5:13-16 SALT and LIGHT
5. Personal Reflection and BEC Sharing
Each division then came up with 2 statements. The Institutional Thrust Committee, which is composed of representatives from each division, met; the committee went through consolidating 6 statements and coming up with the 3 statements that were then presented in the Institutional Town Hall.
Guided by the Holy Spirit, the committee came up with the following:
Anchored on Jesus, serve with love and hope
Anchored on Jesus, make all things new
Anchored on Jesus, be the Light
The Education Tech team prepared a poll and asked the community to vote only once during the Town Hall. The statement that had the most votes would become the Institutional Thrust.
The result– the majority of the community voted for Anchored in Jesus, Serve with Love and Hope.
May our new Thrust inspire each and everyone in the Assumption community, especially our dear students, in this new School Year!